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Jorge A.Morandi y Cia. S.C. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Securities and Commodity Exchanges
Full name: Jorge A.Morandi y Cia. S.C. Profile Updated: May 31, 2024
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Jorge A. Morandi y Cia. S.C. is a company located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The company was founded in 1992, previously known as Jorge A. Morandi until 2009 when it became Morandi Sociedad de Bolsa. The company specializes in the stock market and has a long history in the industry. They have worked with various institutions such as banks, financial companies, investment funds, and stock exchanges. With over 30 years of experience, the company has maintained a professional and impeccable reputation. They have undergone regular audits by the stock market and have never encountered any significant issues.

Sarmiento No 412, Floor 7, Office 702
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1041AJJ

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Basic Information
Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
July 09, 2006
Key Executives
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