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Goiasminas Industria de Laticinios Ltda. (Jaru) (Brazil)

Main Activities: Fluid Milk Manufacturing
Secondary Activities: Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing | Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers
Full name: Goiasminas Industria de Laticinios Ltda. Profile Updated: October 18, 2023
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The company was founded in January 1994 by the brothers Claudio Teixeira, Marcio, Jeronimo, Sergio and Alexandre, a Goiasminas, owner of the Italac brand. They inaugurated a first factory in the city of Jaru (RO) producing Mussarela cheese, a product marketed by the company to this day. Italac is today the 8th most consumed brand in the homes of Brazilian families and one of the largest dairy industries in the country. Over the years, it has expanded its factories and acquired new units. It has manufacturing units distributed in the states of Goias (GO), Minas Gerais (MG), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Sao Paulo (SP), Rondonia (RO) and Para (PA). With more than 17.5 thousand rural producers, it has one of the largest Brazilian catchment areas with milk production capacity of more than 7 million liters per day. It has a portfolio with more than 100 products commercialized in all regions of the Brazilian market. Its greater distribution of more than 20 thousand points of sale (between retailers, wholesalers and distributors) allows its greater penetration in the Brazilian dairy market.

Rua Sebastiao Henrique Jesus 3085, Jardim Bela Vista - Setor 08
Jaru; Rondonia; Postal Code: 76890000

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Incorporation Date:
January 16, 2001
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