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Banque Nationale de Credit (Haiti)

Main Activities: Commercial Banking
Full name: Banque Nationale de Credit Profile Updated: April 26, 2024
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The Banque Nationale de Crédit, located in Port Principe, is a financial institution that was established in 1979. It originated from the Banque Nationale d'Haïti (BNH), which was created in 1880 under the presidency of Lysisus Salomon. In 1910, it became the Banque Nationale de la République d'Haïti (BNRH) and was later acquired by the Haitian government in 1935. In 1979, the BNRH split into two separate institutions. The Banque de la République d'Haïti (BRH) was responsible for regulating the Haitian banking sector and implementing monetary policies, while the Banque Nationale de Crédit (BNC) continued the commercial division of the BNRH.

103 Angle Rue des Miracles et Du Quai
Port Principe; Port-au-Prince;

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