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On-Olzha TOO (Kazakhstan)

Main Activities: Coal Mining
Full name: On-Olzha TOO Profile Updated: August 22, 2023
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TOO "On-Olzha" owns Saryadyr coal deposit. Coal is mined with opencast methods. Saryadyr coal field is located in the Ereymentausk area, Akmola region. The deposit area is 7.8 km2. Reserves of "Saryadyr" deposit has 173.9 million tons of coal. The reserve products are stone coal, and low-sulfur coal with a lower heat of fuel combustion - 3900-300 kcal / kg. Potential buyers of goods are divided into two main groups: the "five-meter" layer - the people and organizations who use coal for their own use; "Reliable" layer- companies that consume coal for heat and electricity. "On-Olzha" held radical reconstruction of the section, carried out the corresponding technical training, increased the volume of overburden operations, prepared inner and access roads, made arrangements for dewatering, equipped and features a mechanical repair shop, boiler rooms, laboratory quality control department, installed and operated truck scales . The company in August of 2009 renovated, built and commissioned in a driveway of 9271 meters long to the station "Korzhonkul", commissioned railroad scales.

ul. Bogenbaya, 2V
Ereimentau; Akmolinsk region; Postal Code: 020800

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Incorporation Date:
May 23, 2002
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