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Ok Kablo Elektronik Elektrik Sanayi Ic Ve Dis Ticaret A.S. (Turkiye)

Main Activities: All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing
Full name: Ok Kablo Elektronik Elektrik Sanayi Ic Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi Profile Updated: December 12, 2023
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2019 Available in: English Download a sample report

Ok Kablo Elektronik Elektrik Sanayi Ic Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi is a cable grouping business. It provides cable grouping services and supplies materials and components to manufacturers of sustainable industrial machines, small household tools, automotive sector manufacturers, and white goods producers in Turkey and Europe. The company's cable production line is manufactured with the latest technology to meet customer needs. Its main customers are white goods producers, small household tools manufacturers, brown items manufacturing, the automotive industry, and the lighting industry.

No:6 Inonu Mahallesi Gebze Plastikciler Osb Mahallesi 41 Sokak Gebze
Kocaeli; Marmara; Postal Code: 41400

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Incorporation Date:
September 10, 2013
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