Surtidora de Gas del Caribe S.A., commonly known as Surtigas, commenced operations in August of 1998 by commercializing propane gas to residential, commercial and industrial clients. In 1979, the company started distributing natural gas in the region of Cartagena. Currently it manages the natural gas distribution of more than 120 municipalities, distributed among the regions of Bolivar, Sucre, Cordoba, Antioquia and Magdalena, being the biggest natural gas distributor in terms of covered area.
Av.Pedro H. Cl 31 No 47-30 Sec Armenia
Cartagena; Bolivar;
Contact Details: Purchase the Surtidora de Gas del Caribe S.A. Empresa de Servicios Publicos o Surtigas S.A.E. report to view the information.
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